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Albert Bigley’s site recently posted some of John Buscema’s warm up sketches, maybe you saw that post.
Funny thing, I spent a couple quite a few years as a kid and even a teenager in the ’80’s wanting to be a comic book artist, studying the greats, often aping them, drawing pages and pages on my drawing board. I even went so far as to request info (and receiving it) from Joe Kubert’s school. In the end, I lost my nerve and enlisted in the army, and then life, being what it is, led me to other places.
But I still enjoy the art, and seeing John Buscema’s warm-up drawings puzzle me a bit, because it didn’t look like he needed to warm-up!
I guess it was just something he maybe liked to do, like many of us like having a cup of coffee thing first in the morning.
Buscema was obviously one of the guys I studied, along with his brother Sal, Gene Colan, Starlin, Jack Kirby, obviously, and many others.
But that John Buscema seemed to make it look so effortless, somehow!